Dundas Dental Care - Dundas

Dental Extractions in Dundas

Whether your dental needs include straightforward tooth removal or more advanced surgical interventions, tooth extraction is a routine procedure that can be completed with minimal pain or discomfort, ensuring a comfortable experience for our patients.
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Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

There are many circumstances in which you may need your tooth extracted, including (but not limited to):

  • Removing baby teeth that do not fall out naturally.
  • Extracting teeth as part of orthodontic treatment to properly align the remaining teeth.
  • Removing teeth that are causing pain or are infected.
  • Taking out a fractured or damaged tooth.

But pulling a tooth out isn’t your only option. If your tooth hurts, we might be able to quickly ease your pain and even save your tooth. Early detection is key.

Let us know if you’re experiencing any of these signs:

  • Intense toothache.
  • Pain that intensifies when you apply pressure or during chewing.
  • Pain or stiffness in the jaw.
  • Swelling of the gums surrounding the tooth or teeth.
  • Indications of gum disease, including discolouration, bleeding, or an unpleasant smell.

The Treatment Plan

A tooth extraction procedure is performed by a dentist or an oral surgeon and usually requires only one office visit. Here is how we go about the process, from determining if tooth removal is the right decision for you, to tooth extraction, to aftercare:

Exploring Your Options

Before considering any extractions, our dentists will thoroughly evaluate your dental health and symptoms. We’ll discuss all available options with you to ensure that we choose the best possible treatment for your specific needs. Our goal is to preserve your natural teeth whenever feasible and to promote your overall oral health.

The Removal Process

During the removal process, we prioritize your comfort by using a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth to be extracted. If needed, sedation options are also available to ensure you feel at ease. Our oral surgeons employ minimally invasive techniques to extract teeth gently, focusing on making the procedure as painless as possible. We are dedicated to ensuring a swift recovery and minimizing discomfort, keeping your well-being as our top priority.

Feeling Better After Treatment

After your procedure, we will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to help your mouth heal properly. These instructions will cover:

  • Proper care for your mouth during the healing period.
  • What to expect as you recover.
  • Steps to take if you encounter any complications.

We understand that questions may arise post-procedure, and we encourage you to reach out. We are more than happy to schedule a follow-up appointment to address any concerns or additional care you might need.

How Much Does Tooth Removal Cost in Dundas?

The financial implications of tooth extraction vary based on different factors. If you’re covered by a standard dental insurance policy, the out-of-pocket expenses for tooth removal generally range from $100 to $200+. So you’re aware of what you need to pay beforehand, we can provide a preliminary estimate for you to submit to your insurance company. For those without insurance coverage, the cost for each tooth extraction can vary widely, from about $200-$600+.

It’s important to note that dental practices cannot offer precise cost estimates over the phone. This is because each patient’s treatment plan is unique and can only be accurately determined following a comprehensive oral examination. Tooth extractions are categorised into two main types, each affecting the potential cost:

Simple Tooth Pulling: This procedure applies to teeth that are visible and accessible in the mouth. Performed under local anaesthesia by a general dentist, the extraction of a tooth that does not present complications typically incurs a lower fee.

Surgical Tooth Pulling: Surgical extractions usually require dental surgery and are often performed by an oral surgeon in a specialised facility. This procedure is necessary for teeth that aren’t visible or accessible due to being unerupted or broken at the gum line. It takes intricate care, consideration and because of the expertise required, surgical extractions can be more costly.

Get in Touch Now

to book your first check-up and exam.

During your visit, we’ll inspect your teeth, gums, and other soft tissues, as well as your bite’s shape and condition. Our goal is to understand the overall health and functionality of your mouth. Before mapping out your treatment plan, we want to gather comprehensive insights into your smile’s health and appearance. Most importantly, we would like to hear more about your personal dental goals so we can support you in achieving them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many think of wisdom teeth removal as a common milestone. However, wisdom teeth only require removal if they cause problems, such as interfering with your jaw and other teeth.

With the advancement of dental technology and methods, removing a tooth is now almost pain-free. A lot of patients are amazed at how fast and straightforward the procedure is! While you might experience a bit of discomfort, we’ll give you detailed aftercare tips to ensure you stay as comfortable as possible while you heal.

You can start eating about an hour after your tooth extraction, once you’ve removed the gauze pads from your mouth. Remember to stick to soft foods for the first day. It’s also important to stay away from hot meals and avoid using straws for several hours to ensure proper healing.

After your tooth extraction, we’ll give you personalised aftercare instructions during your visit. Here are some general guidelines to follow after having a tooth extraction or any dental surgery to reduce the risk of complications and help speed up your recovery:

• Refrain from spitting, rinsing your mouth, blowing your nose, using a straw, and smoking for the first 24 hours.
• Keep your finger or tongue away from the extraction site.
• Stay away from hot foods and beverages.
• Avoid taking aspirin as it can interfere with blood clotting.
• Limit physical activities and exercise.

The healing time for a straightforward tooth extraction typically ranges from 7 to 10 days. For more involved procedures, like surgical tooth extractions or wisdom tooth removal, the recovery period may extend to about 2 weeks. Regardless of the procedure’s complexity, discomfort during the recovery should be minimal.

Barring any unforeseen complications, expect a typical tooth extraction to take around 45 minutes or less.

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